Security Testing

The security mindset for developing applications is absolutely critical to success. We utilize DevSecOps as a standard architectural practice when developing any application. By incorporating security testing into the development and delivery pipeline, security issues and vulnerabilities are discovered early on before the software is deployed. Additionally, DevSecOps ensures that the testing does not stop there, and is carried right into production. Adopting a DevSecOps practice ensures the same level of security, reliability, and stablity from development to production.


to inject chaos

Planning for chaos is a crucial step in application development. These are the things that trip us up in production. Injecting unexpected threat models early in the design stage promotes software that is more resilient and readily adaptable to chaotic conditions.

A fundamental requirement is that your application should not have to pause while security tesing is being performed. It MUST be designed to run during scanning, attacks, chaos, and any other malice that can be thrown at it while operating.


to exploit weakness

As part of your DevSecOps implementation, all options should be on the table. You should utilize DAST, SAST, IAST, Load, and Red Team testing to scan and attack the appliction in order to be able to determine technical, operational, and behavioral weaknesses.

Extensive logging and IAST are your friends here. By recording application behavior on the inside while it is being attacked on the outside, you can determine critical weak points that need additional reinforcement before you move to production.


to withstand malice

The result of DevSecOps security testing should identify weaknesses in your network, application, and operations that allow you to remediate them with the technical hardening necessary to further secure your systems to withstand real world malice.

Implementing event monitoring, intrusion detection, and payload auditing in your application allows continuous DevSecOps in production while evaluating real world attacks and working remediation back into the development cycle.